We are happy to meet people free of charge within 30 mile distance. We charge a fee of $1.00 per. mile on each additional mile. We will NOT drive over 100 miles. We are located in Springfield, Ky. Eastern Standard Time Zone. We require a text from you when you are on the road to meet us. Or we won't come. We will only meet you if you put a non-refundable $100. deposit on the pup your wanting.  We ONLY bring the pup you put a deposit on with us. We require a 24 hour notice and remaining balance must be paid in CASH upon delivery.  You will receive a receipt from us. We meet in public places where we have permission to sale from. We pick the spot. No houses or back road meetings. NO exceptions.
Live out of Ky.? Want to Fly in and pick up at airport? We can MEET you at the Louisville Ky. or Lexington Ky. Airport, FREE of charge and you can take your puppy back on the Air Plane as carry on. 
We will NOT ship your puppy to you. It takes up to much time and is very costly to you. We will ONLY hand the puppy off to you, to take on as carry on.

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